Ready to trade your RV? We make it easy.
Due to the nationwide shortage of used inventory and unprecedented demand, we need your current RV more than ever. It’s easy to upgrade to a new motorhome, fifth wheel or travel trailer with General RV’s Trade Up program. We’ll offer you cash towards your next purchase with us so you can take home the RV of your dreams in no time.
Let our experts do the work and avoid the hassle of selling online or through a classified ad. We’ll appraise your current vehicle and help get you the most for your trade. Just provide us with the basic information, and we’ll handle the rest. We also take care of all paperwork, titles and pay-offs.
Trade Anything Event - Limited Time Only!
Right now you can Trade Anything and bring home the RV of your dreams at General RV. Bring us your ATV, boat, motorcycle, or lawn mower and get cash towards your new RV. If it’s got a motor or wheels, we can make a deal! We’ll even give you $500 for your tent.

What type of vehicle do you want to trade?
Rather Sell Your RV?
Let the professionals at General RV buy your old RV. Demand is at an all-time high and now is the best time to get top dollar for your RV! You’ll get more value when we buy your used popup camper, travel trailer, fifth wheel, or motorhome (must be 15 years old or newer). Click the link below to learn more: